
凯伦L. Houseknecht B.S., M.S., Ph.D.




Biddeford校园 波特兰的校园

Dr. Houseknecht的职业生涯, 它跨越了学术和企业研究环境, has focused on her unwavering passion around the discovery 和 development of novel therapeutics, 包括制药, biologic 和 nutritional therapies for the treatment of metabolic disorders such as diabetes 和 obesity.  

Dr. Houseknecht's current research is focused on 1) identifying mechanisms underlying endocrine 和 metabolic side effects of antipsychotic medications 和 the implications of off-label prescribing of these medications to vulnerable populations such as children 和 the elderly; 2) new therapeutic/drug discovery 和 development; 和 3) identifying mechanistic links between the regulation of mood 和 metabolism, 并应用于情绪障碍的治疗, 睡眠障碍, 肥胖和糖尿病.  实验室的探索性项目包括探索药物代谢的新机制, 对骨髓腔室特别感兴趣.  Dr. Houseknecht's NIH funded research involves student researchers both at the undergraduate 和 graduate levels.

Prior to joining UNE, Karen served as Vice President of 全球 研究 和 Development at ASDI, Inc., 一家为客户提供产品和服务的跨国制药公司, 生物技术, 学术和非政府组织研究部门. 在ASDI, Karen was the chief scientist 和 was responsible for developing 和 executing the global scientific strategy for the company as well as managing the global chemistry, 分析, 和DMPK学科.  She also led efforts devoted to building 和 managing scientific business partnerships in the academic 和 NGO research partners.

在ASDI任职之前,Karen在Pfizer, Inc .领导药物发现研究团队., 最近担任副研究员, 糖尿病药物的发现, 心血管科, 代谢和内分泌疾病. Karen is the author of over 50 scientific publications 和 patents 和 has also served as Assistant professor of 内分泌学 和 新陈代谢, 普渡大学医学兼职助理教授, 印第安纳大学医学院.  In 1998, Karen served as Honorary 访问ing Professor of Clinical 地中海icine at the Karolinska Hospital in Stockholm, 瑞典.

In 1994, Karen accepted a position as 研究 Fellow at Harvard 地中海ical School in the Department of 内分泌学 和 新陈代谢, 贝斯以色列医院, 波士顿. There Karen's research focused on elucidating the mechanisms of insulin action using transgenic mouse technology to better underst和 the pathology of diabetes 和 obesity. 凯伦还参与了对新发现的肥胖激素的首批研究, 瘦素. 在哈佛大学期间,Karen获得了美国国家科学基金会的研究奖学金.S. 来支持她的糖尿病研究.

在她的职业生涯中, Karen has been an advocate for women in science 和 has served as a scientific mentor both in academia 和 the pharmaceutical industry. She is the recipient of the 2005 Power of Women Award for her work supporting educational 和 leadership opportunities for women 和 girls. In 2006, Karen was awarded the Women of Innovation Award for Large 业务 Innovation 和 Leadership by the CT Technology Council 和 was elected to the National Board of Directors for the Association of Women in 科学 (AWIS).  Karen被康奈尔大学授予2007年杰出校友奖, 农业与生命科学学院, 制药行业的领导地位, 倡导妇女和女童权益, 以及对康奈尔大学使命的支持. 最近, Karen was recognized by the Connecticut Womens Hall of Fame as one of the best of "A New Century of Women in 科学".






内分泌学部博士后培养,内分泌研究员 & 新陈代谢



Dr Houseknecht's research program lies at the interface of neuroscience 和 endocrinology/metabolism. 无论是研究药物滥用还是非典型抗精神病药物(SGAs), her research focuses on the pharmacology underlying mechanisms of action 和 mechanisms of adverse events (safety), particularly central nervous system regulation of whole-body energy metabolism (including diabetes). 豪斯内克特博士的工作还特别关注新的治疗发现, leading pharmacology 和 drug metabolism efforts to enhance drug target identification/validation 和 lead development


Houseknecht K.L., 布沙尔,C.C. 布莱克,C.A. 2017. Mini-Review: Elucidating the mechanism(s) underlying antipsychotic 和 antidepressant-mediated fractures. J. 心理健康 & 临床心理学1:9-13.                                          

Motyl K.J.波舍明,M.巴洛,D., Le, P.T.长野,K.特雷鲍尔,A.承包商,A.男爵,R.罗森,C.J. 和 Housenecht K.L. 2017.  A novel role for dopamine signaling in the pathogenesis of bone loss from the atypical antipsychotic drug risperidone in female mice. 103:168-176.

凯伦,V.D,伯奎斯特,I.科米尔,J.巴洛,D.J., Houseknecht K.L.比尔斯基,E.J. 曹,L. 2017.  Long-term morphine delivery via slow release morphine pellets 和 osmotic pump:  Serum concentration, 镇痛, 以及纳洛酮引起的戒断. 生命科学 185:1-7.

Motyl K.J.德曼布罗,V.E.巴洛,D.俄勒冈州奥尔山市.长野,K.男爵,R.罗森,C.J. 和 Houseknecht K.L. 2015. 心得安可减轻雌鼠利培酮所致的骨质流失. 内分泌学 156:2374-83.

Caglic D.克鲁丁,M.邦皮亚尼,K.巴洛,D.贝诺尼,G.佩尔蒂埃,J.雷茨,A.Lairson, L; Houseknecht K.史密斯,G. 迪克森,T. 2014.  临床可行的肉毒杆菌神经毒素A轻链喹啉类抑制剂的鉴定. J. 地中海. 化学. 57:669-76.


Aarde,年代.安格里斯,D.巴洛,D.怀特,M。.范德沃特,S., Houseknecht K.迪克森,T. 塔菲,M. 2013. Mephedrone (4-methylmethcathinone) supports intravenous self administration in Sprague-Dawley 和 Wistar rats. 成瘾生物学 18:786-799.


米勒,米.L.克里汉,K.M.安格里斯,D.巴洛,D.J., Houseknecht K.L.迪克森,T.J. 塔菲,M.A. 2013. Changes in ambient temperature differentially alter the thermoregulatory 和 locomotor stimulant effects of 4-methylmethcathinone (mephedrone). 毒品和酒精依赖. 127:248-253

Motyl K.J., de Paula, I.D.马洛尼,A.E.(美国)洛蒂农.伯恩斯坦,S.德·保拉,F.J.A.男爵,R., Houseknecht K.L. 罗森,C.J. 2012. Trabecular bone loss after administration of the second-generation antipsychotic risperidone is independent of weight gain. 50:490498.

黄,P-K,阿德,S.M.安格里斯,D., Houseknecht K.L.迪克森,T.J.塔菲,M.A. 2012. d-甲基苯丙胺的对比效果, 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine, 3,4 methylenedioxypyrovalerone, 以及4-甲基甲硫酮对大鼠车轮活性的影响. 毒品和酒精依赖. 126:168-175.

 赖特,米.J. Jr, angish D, Aarde S. M.巴洛D. J.布琴斯基,M. W.克里汉,K. M.范德沃特,S. A.帕森斯,L. H., Houseknecht K. L.迪克森,T. J. 塔菲,M .A. 2012. 环境温度对体温调节和运动刺激作用的影响 of 4-威斯达和斯普拉格的甲基甲卡西酮-dawley老鼠. 《全球网络赌博平台》. 7(8):e44652. Epub 2012 8月31日.

DeNinno, M.P.赖特,S.W.艾蒂安,J.B.奥尔森,T.V.B.N.科比特,J.W.龚博士.W.迪里科,K.J.安德鲁,K。.M.米勒姆,M. L.帕克,J.C.埃斯勒,W.van Volkenburg, M.博耶,D.D., Houseknecht K.L. 多兰,S.D. 2012. Discovery of triazolopyrimdinebased PDE8B inhibitors: Exceptionally lig和-efficient 和 lipophilic lig和-efficient compounds.  Bioorg. 地中海. 化学. 列托语. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.bmcl.2012.06.079.

DeNinno, M.P.赖特,S.W.维瑟,M.S.艾蒂安,J.B.摩尔,D.奥尔森,T.B.萨达兰,M.扎博,C.米勒姆,M.南卡罗来纳州多兰市. 和  Houseknecht K. 2011. 1,5-Substiuted nipecotic amides: Selective PDE8 inhibitors displaying diastereomer-dependent microsomal stability. Bioorg. 地中海. 化学. 列托语. 21:3095-3098.

恰,P.张,Y.巴洛,D., Houseknecht K., 史密斯克. 迪克森,T. 2011. Enhancing the pharmacokinetic properties of Botulinum neurotoxin serotype A protease inhibitors through rational design. ACS化学. >. DOI: 10.1021 / cn200021q

托雷斯,T.P.藤本,Y.多纳休,E.P.普林斯,R.L., Houseknecht K.L.特雷德韦,J.L. 和盐田M.  2011. Defective glycogenesis partially contributes toward the inability to suppress hepatic glucose production in response to hyperglycemia 和 hyperinuslinemia in Zucker Diabetic Fatty Rats. 糖尿病 60:2225-33.

Millham, M.Zavadoski, W.特雷德韦,J., Houseknecht K.吉布斯,M. 2008. DGAT, 与三酰基甘油合成有关的基因, 在与代谢综合征相关的组织中是否有差异表达. 肥胖 16:S97-S98.

Houseknecht K.L.罗伯逊,A.S.Zavadoski, W. 吉布斯,E.M.约翰逊,D。.E. 和H . Rollema. 2007. Acute effects of atypical antipsychotics on whole body insulin resistance in rats: Implications for adverse metabolic effects. 神经精神药理学 32:289-297.


卡瓦略,E.谢尔霍恩,S.E.J.M.马丁,S.,托佐,E.佩罗尼,O.D., Houseknecht K.L., Mundt,.詹姆斯·D.E. 卡恩,B.B. 2004. GLUT4 over-expression or deficiency in adipocytes of transgenic mice alters the composition of GLUT4 vesicles 和 the sub-cellular localization of GLUT4 和 IRAP. J. 医学杂志. 化学. 279:21598-21605.



Dr. Houseknecht's research interests focus on the discovery of novel therapeutics for the treatment of diseases associated with metabolic syndrome